Feeling stressed?

We’re here to help.

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archREFS (Resources for Easing Friction and Stress) is a group of graduate students trained in conflict management and mediation, here to support the student community in the MIT Department of Architecture.

Our main role is to listen without judgement, act as a sounding board, provide coaching as you think through possible resolutions, connect you with other helpful resources, and help you deal with stress and conflict, however big or small. And we do so with confidentiality and anonymity, meaning we will not share any information with others nor take any action about the conversation you have with us without your explicit consent, except in the unusual situation of imminent risk of harm to self or others.

What is confidential?

Any conversation you have with a REFS member can be confidential under Massachusetts state law. REFS won’t share any information without your consent (except in circumstances of imminent risk of serious harm to yourself or others).

What is conflict? 

Perhaps you feel that you and your instructor aren’t seeing eye-to-eye. Maybe you’re frustrated with your groupmate. Or perhaps, you feel like things aren’t going right and you don’t know how to get back on track.

What is coaching?

We can hear what you have to say and help you work out strategies that will help you get you to where you want to be.

(from EAPSrefs