When should I reach out?

Anytime! Whether you feel stressed out by academics or finances // Frustrated by an interaction with your instructor, advisor or colleague // Annoyed by your roommate, friend, or group-mate  // Confused by the strange culture you just found yourself in // Just need someone to talk or vent to… Set up an appointment on our Contact page! 

How do I know if archREFS can help me?

Part of our training as REFS includes meeting with many of MIT’s resources and becoming familiar with what services they offer and how they support students at MIT. We are happy to connect you with someone else who can support you better than we can! Visit our Resources page!

How does archREFS interact with the MIT Department of Architecture?

archREFS is a student-led organization founded with support from the MIT Department of Architecture. We act as advocates for architecture students by raising department-wide issues and concerns during our regular meetings with the Department Head and the archREFS faculty advisors, Caitlin Mueller and Mark Jarzombek. In those meetings, we get a chance to share some non-specific information about general trends the community is reaching out about, giving the department a unique insight into the experiences of the student body as well as helping the Department identify common problems for which it should develop strategies or think about ways to improve. We would like to say thank you to the Department and our faculty advisors for supporting us and making it possible for us to support our community!

Is my problem too small, too big, too complicated to bring to archREFS?

No! archREFS are happy to talk to you about anything that is causing you stress, big or small. Common sources of “friction and stress” include academics, instructors and group-mates, assignments and projects, and feelings of loneliness or isolation. Students also come to us when they are thinking of taking a semester off, going on medical leave, or leaving MIT. If you’ve ever felt like you had a problem or a concern and didn’t know who to turn to, you can always start with us. We are here to help!

 What should I expect when I meet with an archREFS member?

The REFS member will arrange to meet with you virtually or distantly at a location of your choice. Usually, we prefer to meet in person (or on zoom) because we cannot guarantee that our conversation will be confidential over email or the phone. However, this does not have to be a formal meeting! Often students will meet with a REFS member over lunch or coffee - on us!

During the meeting, the archREFS member will listen to your concerns and ask questions to try to clarify the situation. They will not attempt to find a solution or tell you what to do. Rather, through discussion, they will try to clarify your options and help you choose among them.

Depending on the nature of the concern, they may suggest other resources on campus that might be able to help you, such as the Ombuds Office, the Office of the Dean of Graduate Education, or MIT Mental Health and Counseling.

What do the archREFS have to offer that I can’t get from a friend or other MIT organization?

Though we certainly encourage you to seek out help from all resources that are available, speaking to an archREFS member offers some unique benefits. We are non-judgmental, will keep your situation strictly confidential, and will never pressure you to make a decision or take action. We are peers who share the same context as you but who are also trained in mediation and are familiar with MIT’s vast network of resources.

(with help from EAPSrefs)